Weight: 20lbs.
Dimensions: 30" x 48" x 2"

Questions & Answers
If you don't see your question, please email sales@portabletapfloor.com, call 1.888.464.5356, or use live chat.
Beginners should definitely go with the regular birch floor without the finish as you're less likely to slip.
If you prefer a non-slip floor, choose the regular birch.
If you like to slide, choose the finished birch.
All of our portable tap dance floors are 30 inches by 48 inches - approx. 2.5 feet x 4 feet.
Yes, definitely! The Portable Tap Floor™ can be used on everything from carpet to concrete and from grass to tile.
Approximately 20lbs
Terrence Taps' e-Tap Library contains over 300 pre-recorded, rhythm tap lessons plus articles & interviews that dancers of all experience levels truly enjoy.
Over 300 students already have access and, right now, if you purchase a pass, you'll get 100% off your floor.
Tap dance floors usually ship within 2-3 business business days and arrive on your doorstep in 5-10 business days
Each tap floor ships from the great state of Washington in the Pacific Northwest.
100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money back (less shipping charges).