Detailed Reviews

portable tap floor reviews

"Hi Terrence!!!!! I am so excited!!! My new TAP board arrived yesterday. I LOVE it, and THANK you so much!!!! For years I have avoided practicing at home because of having no shock absorbency....and sometimes I was guilty of tapping on concrete. (yikes) But I am soooo happy to have your tap board, and it's such a great idea, and works perfectly. I feel good about tapping knowing my shins won't suffer, and I appreciate the fact I still get a tap sound and it's not muffled. I love that it really is so lightweight and easy to transport around. (and your son is equally as smart for turning it over) :-)"



"Hey Terrence! Two of my dance group members bought your portable floors, and we used them in a performance at a local coffee house tonight. They were a great addition to the small stage, and they allowed us to spread out. (Lightweight, and easy to... dance on.) I came home and ordered one for myself! Thanks!" 



"Hi I have tried several different types of tap boards, both commercial and handmade, and this one is far and above the rest. Most tap boards are too heavy, too easily scratched, too hard on your knees, or don't provide any subtlety in the sounds. This board is different, and a big improvement over what I've experienced before."



"I got my portable tap floor Friday and really like it! I really like the bounce and feel. I really thought it was going to be heavier, but I really like how it is light enough to carry from place to place without breaking my back. Also, it stays in place on the carpet, no matter how much I tap and slide around on top of it! I used to tape boards together from Home Depot to create a dance floor and they kept moving and breaking apart, plus it was too slippery! Wow! You really invented something great and should be proud of it. Every tap dancer should have one of these dance floors no matter what level! This really feels good to dance on, considering the fact I am shin splint prone and get terrible pains if I dance on the wrong floors!"



"Just wanted to say thank you I haven't seem my wife so happy and excited about tapping in years."


"In 2010 I had purchased your tap floor, and as I was tapping on it today I remembered my first time getting the board in the mail 7 years ago and how excited i was. I can't believe how time flies! I just wanted to (7 years later) thank you so much for creating a great board that stayed in shape through half my years of tap dancing. This board has heard my happiest and roughest emotions as I grew, so thank you for this, because every time I look at the tap board I remember all of the great memories I had growing up as a tapper."


"I got my Tap board last Monday and I love it!!!! It is really helping me with my rehearsals and preparing for my number."



"Tap floor arrived right on schedule and I love it! Sound is excellent. I can slide it right under the sofa, out of sight (which hasn't happened yet!)."
